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Aerials Gymnastics

The Greensburg YMCA Aerials Competition Team’s goal is to provide a positive, safe, and fun environment where each gymnast can learn and grow as an individual gymnast and a teammate. We striveto have each gymnast enjoy being a team member, achieve their individual competitive gymnastics goals to the best of their abilities, and simply enjoy gymnastics. Earning a place on the team or progressing to a higher competitive level is a credit to each gymnast’s skill, attitude, and potential.

The Greensburg YMCA Aerials Competition Team is an invitation-only program following the tryouts held in May or an evaluation throughout the calendar year. The developmentally appropriate curriculum will follow the USAG Women’s Developmental Programs: 2021-2029 Compulsories (Levels 1-5), 2022-2026 Optionals (Levels 6-10), and 2022-2026 Xcel Program (Xcel Bronze – Xcel Sapphire).

Each program participates in the Western Pennsylvania YMCA Girls Gymnastics League. Gymnasts compete in Dual/Tri-Meets, League Invitationals, League Championships, State Championships, and National Championships each season.

The opportunity starts here for any gymnast interested in competing for the Greensburg Aerials!

Preteam Prep (Level 1) and Preteam (Level 2) are invitation-only classes following the tryouts held in May or an evaluation throughout the calendar year. The developmentally appropriate curriculum will follow the USAG Women’s Developmental Program Compulsory Routines for Level 1 and Level 2 as a non-competitive and achievement-oriented program.

Preteam Prep (Level 1)

  • Description: The developmentally appropriate curriculum focuses on basic Level 1 skills, technique, and strength training for all four events. After successful completion, gymnasts may have the opportunity to move up to Preteam – Level 2.
  • Practice: Train 1 day per week / 2 hours per practice / 2 hours per week
  • Cost: Annual commitment with a fixed team fee billed in 12 monthly installments of $75.00

Preteam Prep (Level 2)

  • Description: The developmentally appropriate curriculum focuses on basic Level 2 skills, technique, and strength training for all four events. After successful completion, gymnasts may have the opportunity to move up to the Greensburg Aerials Competition Team – Level 3.
  • Practice: Train 2 days per week / 2 hours per practice / 4 hours per week
  • Cost: Annual commitment with a fixed team fee billed in 12 monthly installments of $100.00

At the end of each season (May), the Greensburg Aerials will host a gymnastics showcase for family and friends to watch your gymnast’s routines allowing the gymnasts to experience “competing” the routines they will learn without the added pressures of judging and scores that come with Level 3+.




  • Compulsories & Xcel
    • Train 3 days per week / 3 hours per practice / 9 hours per week
  • Optionals
    • Train 4 days per week / 3 hours per practice / 12 hours per week


  • Compulsories, Optionals, and Xcel
    • Train 3 days per week / 3 hours per practice / 9 hours per week

Monthly Financial Information

  • YMCA Membership
    • Youth Joining Fee – $20.00
    • Youth Monthly Rate – $18.00
  • Team Dues
    • Annual commitment with a fixed team fee billed in 12 monthly installments – $150.00

Additional Financial Information

  • Competition Registration Fees
    • Dual & Tri-Meets – $20.00
    • League Invitationals – $40.00
    • League Championships – $55.00
    • State Championships – $75.00
    • National Championships – $110.00
  • Uniform for 2023/2024 and 2024/2025
    • Leotard – $264.00
    • Warm Up – $50.00
    • Backpack – $55.00

General Information

  • Practices are mandatory. An acceptable absence would include illness, school activities, important appointments, family events, and emergencies.
  • Dual/Tri-Meets, League Invitationals, League Championships, and State Championships are mandatory. Exceptions to this rule include injury, illness, emergencies (funeral, car accident, etc.), or nonnegotiable prior engagements (weddings, SATs/ACTs/school dances/religious obligations/planned vacations – which must be communicated with the head coach at the beginning of the season when the competition schedule is released).
  • National Championships are not mandatory.

For more information contact Amy White, [email protected], Gymnastics Coordinator and Competitive Team Head Coach


Amy White, Gymnastics Coordinator   •  [email protected]