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Three Glimpses of Love

This past Saturday was a very busy day for our YMCA.  Our Greensburg Y Swim Team (GYST) hosted several Ys for a swim meet in the main pool.  The pool and gymnasium were packed with swimmers and their families.  I stopped in to witness cheers, splashes, a few tears, and lots of encouragement!  I snapped this photo of our Aquatics Director, Kris Peters and one of our swim team members, Maddy, finished her event and stopped in to see “Miss Kris” who teaches her lessons.  I captured the exchange the two had in this picture, which I can only describe as “LOVE”.  Miss Kris asked Maddy how she did and told her she was proud of her.  Cue the warm fuzzies, cue the happy tears.  This is why I love our Y!

Next, a member and volunteer who has done so much for our YMCA and the community as a whole popped into Kris’ office.  He recently underwent serious heart surgery and it was the first I had seen him since his illness.  Sitting and chatting with him, I was reminded of how important our health is and how difficult it is to heal from a serious health issue.  Knowing that God will use our hard times for good, I asked him what has been the best thing about going through his ordeal – his answer – “spending time with my wife”.  What a beautiful statement of LOVE… cue the warm fuzzies again, cue the happy tears.  This is why I love the people that come to our Y!

Finally, I was walking out of the main Y to head over to our Armory building as our Aerials Gymnastics Team was hosting their big invitational.  To my surprise, I saw another beloved member gingerly walking with the help of a walker on our front porch, making his way into our Y.  I was so happy to see him.  He, too, has been through a very rough time with his physical health but remains so positive.  He shared parts of his journey with me, weaving scripture into his account and ending with “God is so good”.  There it is again, I thought… three times in the last 30 minutes, LOVE.  Cue the warm fuzzies, cue the happy tears… and cue the nod and wink to God for blessing me with these three glimpses of love.
